// Add addEventListener and removeEventListener for IE 8 (note that IE 8 has // no support for the capturing event model, so although this has a useCapture // argument, it always behaves as if it were false; the implementation of // removeEventListener here will only remove the most recent // event of the given type that was attached to the given element). if( !Element.prototype.addEventListener && Element.prototype.attachEvent ) { Element.prototype.addEventListener = function(event, listener, useCapture) { var target = this; if( event == 'mouseout' ) event = 'mouseleave'; var handler = function(e) { return listener.call(target, e); } this[event+'_handler'] = handler; this.attachEvent('on'+event, handler, false); } document.addEventListener = Element.prototype.addEventListener; Element.prototype.removeEventListener = function(event, listener, useCapture) { if( event == 'mouseout' ) event = 'mouseleave'; this.detachEvent('on'+event, this[event+'_handler']); } document.removeEventListener = Element.prototype.removeEventListener; } // Return an event object that will persist after the event has been handled // (which you might use, for instance, if you want to set a timeout in an // event handler and use some of the details of the event in this handler). // Note that the object created, because it is (or might be) a copy of the // original event, cannot be used to do things like stop the propagation of the // original event. if( !document.createEventObject || document.createEvent ) { document.createEventObject = function(e) { return e; } } // Add stopPropagation for IE 8 if( !Event.prototype.stopPropagation ) { Event.prototype.stopPropagation = function() { this.cancelBubble = true; } } // Add preventDefault for IE 8 if( !Event.prototype.preventDefault ) { Event.prototype.preventDefault = function() { this.returnValue = false; } } // Add getElementsByClassName to document and Element for IE 8 if( !document.getElementsByClassName && document.querySelectorAll ) { document.getElementsByClassName = function(className) { return this.querySelectorAll('.'+className); } } if( !Element.prototype.getElementsByClassName && document.getElementsByClassName ) { Element.prototype.getElementsByClassName = document.getElementsByClassName; } (function() { var popupWait = 200; var reference = null; var timeoutID = null var bindLeave = null var bindEnter = null; function showReference(e) { var reference_id = this.href.split('#')[1]; if( reference_id === undefined ) return true; var new_reference = document.getElementById(reference_id); if( new_reference === null ) return; e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); old_reference = reference; hideReference(e); reference = new_reference; reference.className="show"; reference.style.top = this.offsetTop + 'px'; reference.style.left = this.offsetLeft + 'px'; if( e.type == 'mouseover' ) { bindLeave = function(e) { var target = this; e = document.createEventObject(e); timeoutID = setTimeout( function () { hideReference.call(target, e); }, popupWait ); } bindEnter = function(e) { clearTimeout(timeoutID); } reference.addEventListener('mouseout', bindLeave, false); reference.addEventListener('mouseover', bindEnter, false); } return false; } function hideReference(e) { if( reference == null ) return true; /*if( e.type == 'mouseout' || e.type == 'mouseleave' ) */{ reference.removeEventListener('mouseout', bindLeave, false); reference.removeEventListener('mouseover', bindEnter, false); } reference.className=''; reference = null; } var citations = document.querySelectorAll('.citation, .footnote'); for( var i = 0; i < citations.length; i++ ) { var citation = citations[i]; citation.addEventListener('click', showReference, false); citation.addEventListener('mouseover', function(e) { var target = this; e = document.createEventObject(e); timeoutID = setTimeout( function() { showReference.call(target, e); }, popupWait); }, false); citation.addEventListener('mouseout', function(e) { clearTimeout(timeoutID); }, false); } document.addEventListener('click', hideReference, false); var focused = null; function popUp(event) { event.stopPropagation(); if( focused == this ) { this.className = this.className.replace('open', 'closed'); focused = null; } else { if( focused !== null ) { focused.className = focused.className.replace('open', 'closed'); } this.className = this.className.replace('closed', 'open'); focused = this; } } function popDown(event) { if( focused ) { focused.className = focused.className.replace('open', 'closed'); focused = null; } } var sections = document.querySelectorAll('#section-map .subsections'); for(var i = 0; i < sections.length; i++ ) { sections[i].addEventListener('click', popUp, false); } document.addEventListener('click', popDown, false); function showFigure(e) { e.preventDefault(); var lightbox = document.createElement('div'); lightbox.setAttribute('class', 'lightbox'); lightbox.addEventListener('click', hideFigure); var image = document.createElement('img'); lightbox.appendChild(image); image.addEventListener('load', function(e) { this.parentElement.style.paddingTop = ((window.innerHeight - this.height) / 2) + "px"; }); image.src = this.href; document.body.appendChild(lightbox); } function hideFigure(e) { document.body.removeChild(this); 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