This rapid review synthesises evidence on the bilateral and multilateral donors promoting and protecting the human rights of LGBT+ people on a global scale. It focusses on those donors that have policies, implementation plans and programmes on LGBT+ rights. This review also examines the evidence on the impact of their work. The bilateral donors providing the most ...» more
Innovative financing methods for social protection
This report provides a rapid literature review of the evidence on innovative financing methods for social protection using global case studies. The review found that financing for social protection often comes from government funds. Options for government to increase social investment can be found through reallocating public expenditures, increasing tax revenues, expanding ...» more
Effectiveness of tax reform interventions
The academic and practitioner literature on tax reform, and comments from several experts contacted in connection with this report, emphasise that improving the performance of tax systems is highly complex and context-specific, without simple or direct answers. Improvements are only likely to come from combinations of large and small changes made with close and detailed ...» more
National Security Office responsibilities and functions
It should first be noted that only ‘grey literature’ was identified for this helpdesk. Some information is included from government websites. Much of the material is commentary, included to give an idea of what is being said on this area. It must be taken into account that this information is conjecture. This rapid review found information on Canada, India, Iran, Israel, Kenya, ...» more