Global and country-specific gender-disaggregated data on casualties is made available through the annual Landmine Monitor produced by the International Campaign to Ban Landmines – Cluster Munition Coalition (ICBL-CMC). However, there appears to be little in the way of granular analysis and research to interrogate the underlying reasons behind yearly fluctuations in casualty figures. Additionally, in the time available for this report it was not possible to find casualty data disaggregated both by gender and by type of device.
There is ample evidence in the literature regarding the livelihood, social, economic and other indirect consequences of landmines and ERW on gender groups. In the time available for this rapid review, the evidence that was found was chiefly anecdotal or case-study based and was produced mainly by local and international NGOs.
There appears to be a lack of data on how ethnic or religious minority; lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and/or intersex (LGBTI); disabled, or other potentially socially marginalised groups are affected by mines and ERWS.
Key Findings
- Gender influences the risk of becoming a landmine victim and of accessing medical and psychological care, rehabilitation, long-term socioeconomic reintegration and risk education.
- Although women and girls comprise a minority of direct mine victims globally, they may be disproportionally disadvantaged as a result of incidents and suffer multiple forms of discrimination as survivors.
- Mine and ERW incidents impact not only the direct casualties but also family members struggling under new physical, psychological, and economic pressures. Women make up the largest group of indirect
- The gendered division of labour and related mobility patterns, along with differences in literacy rates amongst gender groups, are key factors which explain the different types of risks faced by men and women in relation to mines and ERWs.
- Children represent a large proportion of mine and ERW victims, accounting for 38% of all civilian casualties for whom the age was known in 2015. The majority of child victims are boys.