Press coverage around the recent presidential elections in Afghanistan emphasised the low turnout of women voters, highlighting the shortage of female staff at polling stations, proxy voting by male family members, and the threat of retributive violence against women voters and candidates as key factors. However, the academic literature is largely silent on these issues, both ...» more
Gender Issues in Afghanistan – Violence against Women and Voice
Gender-based violence and the inadequate representation of women in civic and political life continue to be key problems in Afghanistan. This helpdesk research report explores initiatives aimed at countering gender-based violence and empowering women’s voices. Information on the role of the legal system in Afghanistan - particularly sharia and customary law, is also ...» more
Underdevelopment and Radicalisation in Bangladesh
While some experts cite poverty as a contributing factor to radicalisation, the vast majority of experts and the literature focus more on political underdevelopment and poor governance; rampant violence, criminality and corruption; non-state service provision by Islamist groups, particularly in education with the expansion of madrassas (religious schools); and the lack of ...» more
Under-development and Radicalisation in Pakistan
Most in-depth analysis has found little evidence of a direct link between poverty and terrorism in Pakistan, arguing instead that terrorism should be seen as a response to political conditions and long-standing feelings of indignity, and frustration at lack of opportunity. Other commentators, however, argue that while this may explain the motivations of the Islamist leadership ...» more
Governance in Tribal Environments
This query has been able to identify very few resources that focus specifically on governance systems within tribal societies. However there is a wider body of literature which discusses traditional structures of authority and leadership. Even this, however, focusses mainly on democratisation and decentralisation processes. These sources agree that in many countries, the ...» more