This rapid literature review collates lessons from multilateral organisations on their efforts to conduct and apply conflict analysis in fragile and conflict-affected states (FCAS) in a coherent and integrated way. It contains substantial information about the European Union (EU) and the United Nations (UN) and much less about the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). Examination of the EU’s Comprehensive Approach (CA) and Integrated Approach (IA) to conflict analysis reveals several key lessons. Similarly, the UN’s new “sustaining peace” agenda initiated in 2015 which partly focused on advancing its conflict analysis and joint assessments presents some major lessons. NATO and the OSCE’s use of the CA approach also reveal some lessons on how conflict prevention and peacebuilding analysis can be conducted and applied in a coherent and integrated way.
Lessons for coherent and integrated conflict analysis from multilateral actors
(3) What lessons are there from “non-aid agents”* in how they have conducted and applied conflict prevention and peacebuilding analysis in a coherent and integrated way?
*“non-aid agents” are those whose primary role/focus is not aid, but is diplomacy, trade, security, etc. E.g. UN Dep of political affairs/Peacebuilding support office, NATO, WTO, EEAS, European Parliament
*“non-aid agents” are those whose primary role/focus is not aid, but is diplomacy, trade, security, etc. E.g. UN Dep of political affairs/Peacebuilding support office, NATO, WTO, EEAS, European Parliament