Key guidelines, UN documents and web links
International disaster response laws, rules and principles
- Guidelines for the Domestic Facilitation and Regulation of International Disaster Relief and Initial Recovery Assistance of 2007 (IFRC)
- Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters (ILC Programme)
The responsibility to protect
- ICISS (2001) The Responsibility to Protect, Report of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty, Ottawa
- UN (2004) A More Secure World: Our Shared Responsibility, Report of the UN High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change
- UN General Assembly (2005) In larger freedom: towards development, security and human rights for all, Report of the Secretary-General, A/59/2005
- UN General Assembly (2005) World Summit Outcome, Resolution 60/1
Key texts
Bannon, V. (2008). International disaster response law and the Commonwealth: Answering the call to action. Commonwealth Law Bulletin, 34, 843-857.
Evans, G. (2006-7). From humanitarian intervention to the responsibility to protect. Wisconsin International Law Journal, 24, 703-722.
Fisher, D. (2010). The right to humanitarian assistance. Studies in Transnational Legal Policy, 47, 41-128.
Roberts, A. and Sivakumaran, S. (2012). Engaging armed groups in the creation of international humanitarian law. Yale Journal of International Law, 37, 107-152.
Arbour, L. (2008). The responsibility to protect as a duty of care in international law and practice. Review of International Studies, 34, 445-458.
Bangerter, O. (2009). Talking to armed groups. Forced Migration Review, 37, 7-9.
Barber, R. (2009). The responsibility to protect the survivors of natural disaster: Cyclone Nargis, a case study. Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 14, 3-34.
Bellal, A., Giacca, G. and Casey-Maslen, S. (2011). International law and armed non-state actors in Afghanistan. International Review of the Red Cross, 93(881), 47-79.
Bond, J. and Sherret, L. (2006). A sight for sore eyes: Bringing gender vision to the responsibility to protect framework. The International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (UN-INSTRAW).
Boutruche, T. (2011). Credible fact-finding and allegations of international humanitarian law violations: challenges in theory and practice. Journal of Conflict and Security Law.
Byron, C. (2006-7). Blurring of the boundaries: the application of international law by human rights bodies. Virginia Journal of International Law, 47, 839-896.
CPA (2007). Reflections on tsunami one year on: lessons to be learnt. Colombo, Sri Lanka: The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA).
de Urioste, A. (2006-7). When will help be on the way – the status of international disaster response law. Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law, 15, 181-206.
Dickinson, L. A. (2010). Military lawyers on the battlefield: an empirical account of international law compliance. American Journal of International Law, 104, 1-28.
Eburn, M. (2010). International law and disaster response. Monash University Law Review, 36, 162-189.
Fisher, D. (2007). Domestic regulation of international humanitarian relief in disasters and armed conflict: a comparative analysis. International Review of the Red Cross, 89, 345-372.
Gierycz, D. (2010). The responsibility to protect: a legal and rights-based perspective. Global Responsibility to Protect, 2, 250-266.
Glaser, M. P. (2005). Humanitarian engagement with non-state armed actors. London: Humanitarian Practice Network.
Heath, J. B. (2011). Disasters, relief, and neglect: the duty to accept humanitarian assistance and the work of the International Law Commission. Journal of International Law and Politics, 43, 419-477.
Hehir, A. (2009). NATO’s ‘Humanitarian Intervention’ in Kosovo: Legal precedent or aberration? Journal of Human Rights, 8, 245-264.
Hilpold, P. (2009). The Kosovo case and international law: looking for applicable theories. Chinese Journal of International Law, 8, 47-61.
Kleffner, J. K. (2011). The applicability of international humanitarian law to organized armed groups. International Review of the Red Cross, 93(882), 443-461.
La Rosa (2006). Humanitarian organisations and international criminal tribunals, or trying to square the circle. International Review of the Red Cross, 88(861), 169-186.
Mack, M. (2008). Increasing respect for international humanitarian law in non-international armed conflicts. Geneva: ICRC.
Mosquini, E. (2011). Are lawyers unsung disaster heroes: the importance of well-prepared domestic legal and regulatory frameworks for effective disaster response. Emory International Law Review, 25, 1217-1232.
Pfanner, T. (2009). Various mechanisms and approaches for implementing international humanitarian law and protecting and assisting war victims. International Review of the Red Cross, 91(874), 279-328.
Philippe, X. (2008). Sanctions for violations of international humanitarian law: the problem of the division of competences between national authorities and between national and international authorities. International Review of the Red Cross, 90(870), 359-370.
Philpot, H. (2011). Operation Lifeline Sudan: Challenges during conflict and lessons learned. Case-specific briefing paper. University of Denver.
Posse, H.D.T.G. (2006). The relationship between international humanitarian law and the international criminal tribunals. International Review of the Red Cross, 88(861), 65-86.
Renaut, C. (2008). The impact of military disciplinary sanctions on compliance with international humanitarian law. International Review of the Red Cross, 90(870), 319-326.
Rigalo, K. and Morrison, N. (2007). Operation Lifeline Sudan. In L. Hancock and C. Mitchell (Eds), Zones of peace (pp. 167-188). VA: Kumarian Press.
Rondeau, S. (2011). Participation of armed groups in the development of the law applicable to armed conflicts. International Review of the Red Cross, 93(883), 649-672.
Stahn, C. (2007). Responsibility to protect: Political rhetoric or emerging legal norm? The American Journal of International Law, 101, 99-120.
Todres, J. (2011). Mainstreaming children’s rights in post-disaster settings. Emory International Law Review, 25, 1233-1262.
Yihdego, Z. (2012). The Gaza Mission: Implications for international law and UN fact-finding. Melbourne Journal of International Law, 13(1).
Zifcak, S. (2012). The responsibility to protect after Libya and Syria. Melbourne Journal of International Law, 13(1).