A mapping of the disability inclusion policies and practices of major multilateral and bilateral agencies (Lord et al., 2010) finds that disability inclusion is increasingly part of international cooperation and development aid. Policies often combine several approaches to the inclusion of disability in development, including human rights and participation, and disability is included through both specific and mainstreamed programmes (Lord el al., 2010, p. iii). However, Groce et al. (2011, p. 1508) find that systematic disability inclusion in all aspects of all development programmes is still rare.
Overarching frameworks
Most work on disability inclusion is framed around the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) mention people with disabilities under five of the seventeen goals: on education (SDG4); growth and employment (8); inequality (10); accessibility of human settlements (11); and data collection and monitoring (17).
Approaches of UN agencies and other multilateral organisations – selected examples
- The UN Enable website provides information on disability and the UN organisations that promote disability inclusion. Among these are:
- World Bank ‒ see also Social analysis and disability: A guidance note – Incorporating disability-inclusive development into Bank-supported projects
- WHO ‒ see also the WHO global disability action plan 2014–2021: Better health for all people with disability
- ILO ‒ see also the ILO’s Disability inclusion strategy and action plan 2014-17
- Global Partnership for Education
- European Union/European Commission ‒ see also the European Disability Strategy (2010-2020), which resolves to promote the rights of people with disabilities at international level, and the Guidance note on disability inclusive development cooperation for EU staff.
Approaches of bilateral development agencies – selected examples
- UK: Disability framework: Leaving no one behind
- Australia: Development for all 2015-2020: Strategy for strengthening disability-inclusive development in Australia’s aid program
- Germany: Action plan for the inclusion of persons with disabilities (2013-2015)
- Japan: JICA thematic guidelines on disability
- USA: USAID disability policy paper and Disability inclusive development introductory course (for USAID staff and development partners).
Toolkits for disability inclusion – selected examples
Many of these toolkits contain sections relevant to various sectors.
- Inclusion made easy: A quick program guide to disability in development (CBM)
- Count me in: Include people with disabilities in development projects – A practical guide for organisations in North and South (LIGHT FOR THE WORLD)
- Make development inclusive: How to include the perspectives of persons with disabilities in the project cycle management guidelines of the EC (CBM)
- Community-based rehabilitation guidelines (WHO)
- Disability, equality and human rights – A training manual for development and humanitarian organisations (Oxfam – with Action on Disability and Development)
- Disability inclusive development toolkit (CBM)
- Making inclusion a reality in development organisations: A manual for advisors in disability mainstreaming (IDDC)
- Making it work: Good practices for disability inclusive development (Handicap Intl.)
- Human rights. Yes! action and advocacy on the rights of persons with disabilities (One Billion Strong & University of Minnesota Human Rights Center)
- Travelling together: How to include disabled people on the main road to development (World Vision)
- Mainstreaming disability in development: Lessons from gender mainstreaming (Disability KaR)
- A handbook on mainstreaming disability (VSO)
Poverty and livelihoods
- Making national poverty reduction strategies inclusive (GTZ, Handicap Intl. & CBM)
- Good practices for the economic inclusion of people with disabilities in developing countries: Funding mechanisms for self-employment (Handicap Intl.)
- Achieving equal employment opportunities for people with disabilities through legislation (ILO)
- Inclusive employment (Handicap Intl.)
- Count us in! – How to make sure that women with disabilities can participate effectively in mainstream women’s entrepreneurship development activities (ILO)
- Inclusive social protection: Tools and guidance (GIZ)
Participation and governance
- Equal access: How to include persons with disabilities in elections and political processes (USAID, IFES & NDI)
- A guidance paper for an inclusive local development policy (Handicap Intl., shia & HSO)
- Rights in action: Good practices for inclusive local governance in West Africa (Handicap Intl.)
- Inclusive civic engagement: An information toolkit for families and people with intellectual disabilities (Inclusion Intl.)
- My voice matters! Plain language guide on inclusive civic engagement (Inclusion Intl.)
- Inclusive education (Handicap Intl.)
- Inclusive learning: Children with disabilities and difficulties in learning (HEART)
- Education for children with disabilities – Improving access and quality: Guidance note (DFID)
- INEE pocket guide to supporting learners with disabilities (INEE)
- Compendium of accessible WASH technologies (WEDC, WaterAid & share)
- Casting the net further: Disability inclusive WASH (World Vision)
- Disability: Making CLTS fully inclusive (Institute of Development Studies)
- Accessibility and development: Environmental accessibility and its implications for inclusive, sustainable and equitable development for all (DESA)
- Accessibility design guide: Universal design principles for Australia’s aid program (DFAT)
- International best practices in universal design: A global review (Cornell University ILR School)
- Guide to improve accessibility for persons with disabilities: Inclusive meetings (Handicap Intl.)
- Accessibility of Housing. A Handbook of Inclusive Affordable Housing Solutions for Persons with Disabilities and Older Persons (UN-Habitat)
Disaster Risk Reduction
- Mainstreaming disability into disaster risk reduction: A training manual (Handicap Intl. & ECHO)
- Disability inclusive disaster risk management: Voices from the field & good practices (CBM & DiDRR)
- Major hazards and people with disabilities (Council of Europe)
Humanitarian response
- Disability inclusion: Translating policy into practice in humanitarian action (WRC)
- Ageing & disability in humanitarian response: A resource book of inclusive practices (Ageing and Disability Task Force)
- Humanitarian aid: All inclusive! How to include people with disabilities in humanitarian action (LIGHT FOR THE WORLD & Diakonie Eine Welt)
- The Sphere handbook: Humanitarian charter and minimum standards in humanitarian response (The Sphere Project)
- ‘I see that it is possible’ Building capacity for disability inclusion in gender-based violence programming in humanitarian settings (WRC)
- Disability rights, gender, and development: A resource tool for action (Secretariat for the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, UNFPA & Wellesley Centers for Women)
- Mainstreaming disability and gender in development cooperation (IDDC, MDI & DCDD)
- Guide to gender mainstreaming in public disability policies (CERMI)
- Gender and disability mainstreaming: Training manual (GIZ & DIWA)
Human rights
- Monitoring the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (OHCHR)
- Disability rights advocacy: An advocacy manual for disability rights activists (ADD Zambia)
Monitoring and evaluation
- Monitoring the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability (Washington Group on Disability Statistics)
- Module on child functioning and disability (Washington Group on Disability Statistics/UNICEF)
- Training manual on disability statistics (WHO/ESCAP)
- Lord, J., Posarac, A., Nicoli, M., Peffley, K., McClain-Nhlapo, C., & Keogh, M. (2010).
Disability and international cooperation: A review of policies and practices (SP Discussion paper No. 1003). Washington, DC: World Bank. See document online - Groce, N., Kett, M., Lang, R., & Trani, J-F. (2011). Disability and Poverty: the need for a more nuanced understanding of implications for development policy and practice. Third World Quarterly, 32(8), 1493-1513. See document online