This section provides links to key manuals, guidance and other practical resources.
General guidance and manuals
Barrett, S., & Kidd, S. (2015). The design and management of cash transfer programmes: An overview. Frankfurt am Main: KFW Development Bank.
European Commission. (2015). Supporting social protection systems (Tools and Methods Series, Concept Paper 4). Brussels: European Commission.
ILO. (2015). Social protection assessment-based national dialogue: A global guide. Joint United Nations response to implement social protection floors and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Geneva: ILO.
Inter Agency Social Protection Assessments (ISPA) Core Diagnostic Instrument (CODI).
OECD. (2018). Social protection system review: A toolkit. OECD development policy tools. Paris: OECD Publishing.
Robalino, D. A., Rawlings, L., & Walker, I. (2012). Building social protection and labor systems: Concepts and operational implications. Washington, DC: World Bank.
Samson, M., van Niekerk, I., & MacQuene, K. (2011). Designing and implementing social transfer programmes: A policy manual. Cape Town: Economic Policy Research Institute.
UNDG. (2015). UNDG coordination toolkit. United Nations Development Group & ILO.
Andrews, C., Bassett, L. K., Castaneda, T., Grosh, M. E., Loureiro, J. P., Quintana, R., & Steta Gandara, M. C. (2012). Safety nets how to: A toolkit for practitioners (English). Washington, DC: World Bank.
Bastagli, F. (2015). Bringing taxation into social protection analysis and planning (Guidance note). London: ODI.
ILO social protection floors cost calculator.
Value for money
Cherrier, C., Gassmann, F., Mideros Mora, A., & Mohnen, P. (2013). Making the investment case for social protection: Methodological challenges with lessons learnt from a recent study in Cambodia (Working Paper 2013-06). Florence: UNICEF Office of Research.
ILO social protection floors cost calculator.
White, P., Hodges, A., & Greenslade, M. (2013). Guidance on measuring and maximising value for money in social transfer programmes – second edition. London: DFID.
White, P., Hodges, A., & Greenslade, M. (2015). Measuring and maximising value for money in social protection systems. Companion guidance to measuring and maximising value for money in social transfer programmes. London: DFID.
Slater, R., & Farrington, J. (2009). Making social transfers appropriate, achievable and acceptable: A practical tool for good targeting. London: ODI.
Fiszbein, A., & Schady, N. (2009). CCTs: Policy and Design Options. In Fiszbein, A., & Schady, N. Conditional cash transfers: Reducing present and future poverty (World Bank Policy Research Report, pp. 165–203). Washington, DC: World Bank.
Ibarrarán, P., Medellín, N., Regalia, F., & Stampini, M. (Eds.). (2017). How conditional cash transfers work: Good practices after 20 years of implementation. Inter-American Development Bank.
Barca, V., Hurrell, A., MacAuslan, I., Visram, A., & Willis, J. (2013). Paying attention to detail: How to transfer cash in cash transfers. Enterprise Development and Microfinance, 24(1), 10–27.
del Ninno, C., Subbarao, K., Kjellgren, A., & Quintana, R. (2013). Improving payment mechanisms in cash-based safety net programs (Social Protection & Labor Discussion Paper 1305). Washington, DC: World Bank.
Inter Agency Social Protection Assessments (ISPA) Payment Tool.
Ayliffe, T., Aslam, G., & Schjødt, R. (2018). Social accountability in the delivery of social protection (Technical Guidance Note). Orpington: Development Pathways.
Van Stolk, C., & Tesliuc, E. T. (2010). Toolkit on tackling error, fraud and corruption in social protection programs (SP Discussion Paper 1002). Washington, DC: World Bank.
Administrative systems
Barca, V. (2017). Integrating data and information management for social protection: Social registries and integrated beneficiary registries. Canberra: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Australia).
Barca, V., & Beazley, R. (2019). Building on government systems for shock preparedness and response: The role of social assistance data and information systems. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Chirchir, R., & Kidd, S. (2011). Good practice in the development of management information systems for social protection (Pension Watch Briefing Paper 05). Development Pathways (UK) and HelpAge International (UK).
Inter Agency Social Protection Assessments (ISPA) Identification Systems Tool.
Leite, P., George, T., Sun, C., Jones, T., & Lindert, K. (2017). Social registries for social assistance and beyond: A guidance note and assessment tool. Washington, DC: World Bank.
Monitoring and evaluation
Browne, E. (2014). Social transfer evaluation syntheses (GSDRC Helpdesk Research Report 1066). Birmingham: GSDRC, University of Birmingham.
Dissanayake, R., Stephenson, Z., & Greenslade, M. (2012). Evaluating social transfer programmes. Guidance for DFID country offices. London: DFID.
Inter Agency Social Protection Assessments (ISPA) Tools. A set of practical tools that help countries improve their social protection system by analysing its strengths and weaknesses and offering options for further action.
M’Cormack, F. (2011). Beneficiaries’ perspectives in research on cash transfer and social protection programmes (GSDRC Helpdesk Research Report 775). Birmingham: GSDRC, University of Birmingham. (Sets out a range of qualitative methods.)
McCord, A., Holmes, R., & Harman, L. (2017). Indicators to monitor social protection performance. Implications for EC programming. (Tools and Methods Series, Concept Paper 5). Brussels: European Commission.
Roelen, K., & Devereux, S. (2014). Evaluating outside the box: Mixing methods in analysing social protection programmes (CDI Practice Paper 6). Brighton: Centre for Development Impact, IDS.
World Bank. (2013). Monitoring and evaluating social protection programs’ efforts to respond to natural disasters and climate change-related shocks (Building Resilience Guidance Note 4). Washington, DC: World Bank.
FAO. (2018). Introduction to gender-sensitive social protection programming to combat rural poverty: Why is it important and what does it mean? (FAO Technical Guide 1). Rome: FAO.
FAO. (2018). Integrating gender into the design of cash transfer and public works programmes (FAO Technical Guide 2). Rome: FAO.
FAO. (2018). Integrating gender into implementation and monitoring and evaluation of cash transfer and public works programmes (FAO Technical Guide 3). Rome: FAO.
Holmes, R., & Jones, N. (2010). How to design and implement gender-sensitive social protection programmes. ODI toolkit. London: ODI.
Sida. (2019). Gender and social protection. Gender tool box. Stockholm: Sida.
Women’s Refugee Commission, Mercy Corps, & International Rescue Committee (2018). Toolkit for optimizing cash-based interventions for protection from gender-based violence: Mainstreaming GBV considerations in CBIs and utilizing cash in GBV response.
Department of Foreign Aid and Trade. (2014). Disability and social protection (Technical Guidance Note). Australian Government.
Development Pathways: The Disability Benefit Database.
GIZ tools and guidance for inclusive social protection for people with disabilities.
HelpAge International: Social Pensions Database.
Rossi, A., Heinemann, A., Kidd, S., & Noy, I. (2014). Assessing child-sensitivity in social protection. A toolkit for social transfers. Kathmandu: UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia.
Humanitarian–social protection linkages
European Commission. (2019). Social protection across the humanitarian–development nexus: A game changer in supporting people through crises. Summary reference document. Guidance Package on Social Protection across the Humanitarian–Development Nexus (SPaN).
O’Brien, C., Holmes R., & Scott, Z., with Barca, V. (2018). Shock-responsive social protection systems toolkit – Appraising the use of social protection in addressing largescale shocks. Oxford: Oxford Policy Management.
World Food Programme. (2019) Basic country capacity assessment: Shock-responsive social protection.
Climate resilience
Vincent, K., & Cull, T. (2012). Adaptive social protection: Making concepts a reality. Brighton: IDS.
Wallis, C., & Buckle, F. (2016). Social protection and climate resilience: Learning notes on how social protection builds climate resilience. Evidence on Demand, UK.
Public works
ILO. (2012). Towards the right to work: A guidebook for designing innovative public employment programmes. Geneva: ILO.
Inter Agency Social Protection Assessments (ISPA) public works programmes tool.
McCord, A. (2012). Appraising productivity enhancing public works programmes social protection toolsheet. London: ODI.
Subbarao, K., del Ninno, C., Andrews, C., & Rodríguez-Alas, C. (2013). Public works as a safety net: Design, evidence, and implementation. Washington, DC: World Bank.
Graduation and cash plus
de Montesquiou, A., & Sheldon, T., with Hashemi, S. M. (2018). From extreme poverty to sustainable livelihoods: A technical guide to the graduation approach. Second edition. Washington, DC: World Bank.
Dharmadasa, H., Hashemi, S., Samaranayake, S., & Whitehead, L. (2015). PROPEL toolkit: An implementation guide to the ultra-poor graduation approach. New York: BRAC USA.
Roelen, K., Devereux, S., Abdulai, A.-G., Martorano, B., Palermo, T., & Ragno, L. P. (2017). How to make ‘cash plus’ work: Linking cash transfers to services and sectors (Innocenti Working Paper 2017-10). Florence: UNICEF Office of Research.
Slater, R., McCord, A., & Mathers, N. (2014). Guidance note for DFID: Exploiting the synergies between social protection and economic development. London: ODI.
Sulaiman, M. (2018). Livelihood, cash transfer, and graduation approaches: How do they fare in cost, impact, and targeting? In Boosting growth to end hunger by 2025: The role of social protection (pp.102–120). International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).